FMPUG Dallas

FileMaker Pro Users Group

July 2024 Meeting

July 5th, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM

How ’bout you!?!

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Tollway Plaza Conference Center
15950 Dallas Parkway, Dallas, Texas 75248

Sign up deadline: July 2nd 2024

Claris FileMaker Pro 2024:  Our Favorite New Features (Besides AI*)

This Month’s main presenters:

Heather McCue: Transactions (new & improved)

Steve Sykora: Desktop Notifications

Brian Hamm: Open Quickly

Paul Mitchell: LiveTextAsJSON and JSONMakeArray functions

How ’bout YOU!?!

We’re looking for volunteers who’d like to give a short, 5-10 minute presentation on their favorite new features in Claris FileMaker Pro 2024!

Just go through the release notes at:
… and pick a feature you’d like to demo for us!

Hit the RSVP button, and tell us what you’d like to present!

Volunteers needed no later than Friday, the 21st!

We’ll be meeting at the Tollway Plaza Conference Center, 15950 Dallas Parkway, ground floor, Dallas, Texas  75248.

Stay after the meeting for lunch courtesy of Harmonic!  We’ll be doing burgers, fries and hot dogs in honor of the holiday weekend!  Be sure to RSVP if you’d like to join us for lunch!

As always, the meeting will be available virtually on Teams, or live-streamed on LinkedIn live!

Stay up to date with information at:

*(We’re going to do AI in depth next month.)